As a side note angel Rivera was a Guysinsweatpants exclusive model for like 5 minutes before Austin fired his ass.
Cameron, Joey and Angel were the mean girls of Helix studios and Helix is better off without them. You see how he really thinks about people.
Those models from bumfuck nowhere are the same models Cameron tried to fuck every 5 minutes. If Keith Mills is a piece of shit which I don't doubt then Cameron is an even bigger one. What it hints at but doesn't say specifically is that Joey Mills couldn't pass his STD tests but for some reason his ego was so big that he thought Helix should let him(the great Joey Mills) film anyway. He is the one who made that mocking, Gaslighting video of Ben masters with Joey Mills an angel rivera while Ben was on his sick bed. He is the one who was accused of sexually assaulting several 8teenboy models. Cameron Parks is so full of shit Funny how in the article he left out the fact that he was involved in most of the drama at Helix.