We should have made it clearer on Wednesday, but the place we were coming from was nothing but overenthusiastic love for this franchise and all of its characters in it. Yeah, yeah, we know what this sounds like, but hear us out. Though we did our best to explain why, while also trying to celebrate its net-positive in the world and acknowledge its validation of other readers, we kind of got lost in an overjustification for our reaction and forgot to explain one crucial thing: we actually liked it. We personally felt frustrated by it, and actually found it somewhat offensive thanks to our own unique backgrounds and experiences. See, two days ago we dropped a review on Legend of Korra: Turf Wars Part 1, which we gave a 4/10. No, seriously, we- Griffin and Kylie-your infamously overzealous Asami (and Kate Kane) fangirls are two of the biggest idiots on the internet.
The following contains FULL SPOILERS for Legend of Korra: Turf Wars Part 1